Dawn, specialist mentor, offered bespoke support throughout my PGCE training, delivering a fantastic service tailored to my individual needs, both face to face and via telephone.
Dawn took time to get to know me as an individual, including how I understand, attain and communicate information. She was a patient listener who allowed me thinking time to develop independent problem solving. When preparing for my teaching practice, we developed a Pen Profile to give to employers, including basic information about myself and specific adjustments I may need in a workplace. This made the transition into a new placement easier, and gave the employer a better understanding of myself as a trainee.
The advice Dawn gave was in response to my learning style. She helped me develop strong visualisation techniques, such as colour coded mind maps to organise ideas and thoughts. I found that visualising a glass of water which empties throughout the day was fantastic for me to manage my health and wellbeing. Whilst on placement Dawn suggested I record myself, so that I could gain another perspective in response to my deliverance. Dawn also visited me on two separate occasions, which enabled instant feedback which was valuable to my professional growth.
Since my teaching practice ended, Dawn has continued to support me with job interviews, and with her guidance and encouragement, I was able to secure a job within Education and the Public Sector. I have also collaborated with Dawn to develop material for her accredited training. This was a great reminder of how much I have grown within a short space of time, showing that with the right support and guidance a person with Asperger’s can prosper and thrive.